Thursday, October 17, 2013

YOLO: what it "really" means

     YOLO! No, I do not mean that stupid #yolo stuff you see on the mainstream. I mean the real YOLO! YOLO! as in "live life to the fullest, because you only live once." Unlike #yolo where people say "yolo" and then do something stupid like a front flip off their roof into a pool while wearing roller skates because "you only live once." Ignorance I say, because the real YOLO! has true meaning in it.

    The true YOLO! means to do good in life and do everything that interests you because before you know it, poof! your life has ended (death). If there is something in life you really want to do before you die (excluding random acts of stupidity, as seen in #yolo scenarios), then you should do it. In short, the real YOLO! means "live life to the fullest" because it is too short and you should do everything you want, so take it seriously.

      So ignore all of those ignorant mainstream jack wagons who say "yolo" and do some stunt and act stupid. Listen to those who say "yolo" and tell you to enjoy live, because it is a gift, and don't do stupid stuff that can get you killed like every other kid who follows #yolo instead of YOLO! I hope you see the difference. Oh I almost forgot, YOLO!

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