Friday, October 18, 2013

GA vs. CH

     Geauga Academy is so much better than Chardon High, but how much better? I can easily explain how much because I've thought on the topic frequently. I won't lie there are some things, only a few, that Chardon has that GA doesn't, but let's look at the differences first.

     GA has only two teachers to work with, unlike Chardon which has ten. The teachers here are really charismatic and aren't causing several headaches and yawning sessions. Which is something nearly every Chardon teacher I have had has caused me. Classes are simpler and more fun, even the ones I despised and failed last year. Oh, did I mention the food and environment is much nicer at GA than Chardon. Probably because they use real non-poopy supplies (fake cheese is the worst).

     Chardon has familiar faces, kind of a given. Not saying I don't like the non-Chardon people at GA but it just took awhile to get know them. This next one might make you laugh, but Chardon had much nicer water fountains. Yes, the water was tastier. It didn't have all of the "iron" flavor, many had it, but some didn't.

      Well, that is all I have to say about that. Yes, I made a Forest Gump reference. Goodnight everybody!

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