Thursday, October 17, 2013

Super-Huge Mustard! what is the point?

     Why is it people buy in excess? Will they actually use it, are they just fat, or does it just look plain cool? The answer is in perspective alone. One man can be walking through Costco and think, "Holy crap! They sell giant bottles of mustard? I'm buying two of that and showing my friends!" While another guy thinks " Jeez, super-huge mustard? I can use that to feed my 12 kids!" Why they do it can be for any reason with sense in it or not at all. Some actually use it, others are just plain stupid.

     Those who use it can have many reasons. Maybe they have a large family and need to purchase in excess to provide for them. Others are really gluttonous and eat a giant jug of mustard or ketchup, or even Bar-B-Q  sauce just because they can! However at least they use the stuff for its intended use. Many people will get excess stuff because, well, it is fun. I mean the average young adult will see a huge jug of mustard and just flip out at the sight because such a thing isn't entirely common.

     On the other hand, you have the idiots. These people will buy in excess for some reason and NOT use it for the intended purpose. Maybe they will make a purchase and use it once or twice and think "Oh man I'm sick of mustard, I probably should have thought this through." Yes they bought in excess and started to use it for the intended purpose but stopped and wasted it. now this next part may seem wacky, but it happens. People sometimes will buy in excess, mustard for example, for stupid stunts. This goes against the intended purpose.

They will use the excess jugs of mustard to fill a pool and swim in it because they are strange and clearly shouldn't be able to make financial decisions at the store by themselves. It is true, some people do such things.

  The summery is this, if people do decide to buy in excess then they have reasons why.  


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