Tuesday, October 22, 2013

To Read or not to Read....

    Recent surveys show that only one in four people read books in America. Sounds surprising doesn't it? Well to be honest, it didn't surprise me. I already kind of knew that in my head because reading just isn't something people like to do now a days. One thing did pop out at me though, and made me laugh.

     Democrats and Liberals read more than Conservatives and Republicans. This is funny to me because I'm kind of a Liberal in a sense. I don't really like Republicans much and Democrats tend to agree with my personal views. Truthfully, I am independent because there are Republicans I like, but I hate (yes hate) a majority of them (Boehner, Bush, Bush Sr., Cheney etc.). I digress, but this statistic caught my eye. Also, the Republicans and Conservatives who read often read more religious books than other genres. This really got me and I'll explain why. I'm a fan of Bill Maher, and he hates Republicans. One of his opinions on Republicans is that they are too religious with their decisions. They mix religion in politics too much, so reading this statistic sort of reinforced his opinions and made me laugh.

     In conclusion, the survey didn't tell me a lot of things I didn't already know. However certain things stuck out for me, and those things were funny. That's all folks!

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