Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good Samaritans = Dead Samaritans

     Good Samaritans, what are they? I think that they are people who go out of there way to help others when no one else will and do things the average man normally wouldn't for those people; They pretty much go over the top to help, almost a hero. Good Samaritans are still out there and end up doing some pretty great things. However some of these things often end up putting them in bad places and get hurt and/or even killed.
     "Good Samaritan Struck by Vehicle." The guy was giving gas some gas to a woman on the side of the freeway because she had none and was stuck. As he gives her some, he gets hit by a speeding truck and is now in intensive care. He died later that week. Here is another, "Good Samaritan groom killed hours after wedding." The groom and his new wife were on there way home when he saw a woman in her car on the side of the road in the snow. He stopped to help her and told his wife that he must do so because it is cold and dark. After he pulls her out of the car, they get hit by an oncoming vehicle, then another, and another. Three times they are hit and both of them are dead. That bride went from a newly wed to a widow in just a few hours. The groom was a retired Army Ranger. Las one, "Stranded Motorists Attack Good Samaritan." A woman named Stephanie got out of her car to help some stranded people on the side of the road. Afterwards, she gets attacked by the motorists and finds her Christmas Presents in her car are stolen.

     All of these articles show fine examples of Good Samaritans, except they end up dead. The last one doesn't have the Samaritan dying in the end, but she most certainly could have. In the end, if you choose to help a person you aren't only doing a good deed, but also putting your life on the line. Take the people above as fine examples. The were all Good Samaritans who gave there lives, and became heroes, except the last who almost did.

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