Thursday, August 28, 2014

Altering Time, in a DeLorean!

     Today, we're discussing time travel, specifically from the classic movie Back to the Future. Marty altered some stuff like an idiot, but made things better in the end. What did he change? Well he changed his parents and siblings, Biff, Hill Valley, his home, Doc, a lot really. Lets start things off shall we?

     When Marty first arrives in 1955 he is in Old Man Peabody's tree farm. He is here because Twin Pines Mall will someday be built there in the future. When Marty is being shot at by Mr. Peabody because his kid convinced him Marty is an alien (stupid hillbilly), he flees in the DeLorean and runs over one of Peabody's Pine trees. When Marty goes back to 1985, he runs to Twin Pines Mall to stop the Libyans and what do we see? The Twin Pines Mall sign, but changed! It now says Lone Pines Mall because Marty killed one of the trees fleeing at the beginning of the film.

     Marty's family was super broken and poor and down right boring at first. Once Marty goes back to 1955, he begins to change his parent's personalities. Marty's Dad, George, was a complete sissy until Marty slowly raised his self-esteem by teaching him to talk to chicks, to defend himself, to publish his novels because they're good. Then his dad goes Super Saiyan and hits Biff! Now he's a happy, wealthy, good father and husband. Same goes for his mom, Loraine. Marty convinces her that she shouldn't drink and smoke while in 1955. Then when Marty goes back to 1985, she isn't fat and an alcoholic but is thin, good looking and doesn't drink or smoke. These changes even slightly alter Marty's siblings. His brother goes from a fast food worker to business man and his sister goes from plain nerd to popular chick.

     Two more things, Doc and Biff. Biff was the guy who walked all over George and made him his slave. Once Marty changes the future, Biff goes from the big guy to working for George by waxing his car. Doc also changes by, well, not dying because he heeded Marty warnings.

     That's all I hope this was fun because I love Back to the Future and its fun to talk about. Oh I almost forgot, SPOILER ALERT! Is it too late?

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