Monday, December 9, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," FIN

     So, my time with "The Street Lawyer" has come to an end. I no longer need spend my time worrying about it. However some predictions need to be made about Michael. What does the future have in store for Michael? Will he stay with the 14th Street Clinic? Will the clinic change in anyway? What about his relationship status? Will he be successful with ruby? These are what need to be answered and I'll will answer them right about, now!

     What does the future have in store for Michael? I believe that the future for Michael will be good for him. He in fact will stay with the clinic because they love having Michael and Michael loves being there. His work with the clinic and the homeless is not over because there is plenty more to be done and he is just getting started. I agree that the clinic will change in itself as well. The 10% of the 2million dollars that was acquired should also be able to pay for some upgrades to the clinic. As for clinic employees, they should have good morale after there amazing court settlement.

     Now, about Michael's relationship status. They will not only be a good couple in the future(possible marriage and family and stuff) but a good partners in the homeless helping world. Michael is a public service lawyer and Megan(cute name) is a shelter director. They go together like a fat guy and diabetes :) . In case your wondering, Michael will and probably already is successful with Ruby. She's already on the fast track to recovery and shows no sign of relapse. I believe she will be able to see her son Terrence soon.

     Anyway, my conclusion is that Michael has a good future ahead for himself, unless he gets hit by a car or something then it will definitely suck, but otherwise looks bright. As for my opinion of the book, I think it was ok. I give it a 7/10, 7 for not being a book of my personal taste and needing of some improvement but decent otherwise.

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