Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Homeless in Cleveland and Comparison to "The Street Lawyer"

     So after reading this article, I've noticed some similarities and differences between it an "The Street Lawyer" and some differences as well. First I will compare them then contrast them. Ok, here we go.

     What I noticed to be similar is how dedicated the main guy in each was. Michael gave up everything to help in " The Street Lawyer" and Brian Davis spent all his time with the newspaper using what power he had to get the local homeless issues noticed. Both also achieved their goals in getting noticed by the mainstream media. Both of them even occurred obstacles in their lives. Michael got arrested and had to go to court for stealing the file while Brian had received threats from his boss.

     Some differences that I saw is what actually happened. Michael went through realistic but semi-unrealistic events such as theft, coincidental car accidents, jail-beatings without defending himself and much more. Brian however just worked and worked at his newspaper and had no serious obstacles. There are many other differences but I'm low on time.

     In the end, many similarities and differences but they both were good stories and were for a good cause. Both of them, Michael and Brian, earned GOML rights. Have a nice day!

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