Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why I think you think we read literature like a professer, In my opinion.

     Why "are" we reading How to read Literature Like a Professor  in class this year? Well I think it's because it contains everything we need to know and need to learn for this year. It also has a surprisingly humorous aspect to it that isn't seen in any other Literature textbook anywhere. I think I speak for every one when I say we can finally enjoy Literature!

      Why is it first? Well it's probably first because, as I said earlier, it contains everything we need this year. Also, if we read it first we will know the basics for any and possibly everything we must know for future works.

      What makes this book difficult? Well for starters, the writer writes in a very different style that I'm not used to seeing. It can sometimes be hard to understand what point he's trying to get across to you and I, the readers. He also reverences other work that I have never heard of! It can be very annoying, but who cares.

      What makes it easy? I'll tell you, it is funny! I said this earlier, the book has humor. You can actually read a book on Literature and not get bored for once which I certainly enjoy. The writer also goes on and on one point so you get a feel for what he is trying to explain and teach you. Though I said this earlier in why it's hard to understand the point, it's also easy too. It's hard to understand but the way he does it it's also easy, once you get it.

       Yes as you can see I actually enjoy How to read Literature like a Professor. I will most likely, definitely know more on Literature by the end of this book. I'm kind of curious on what we will read next in class. A little to curious.

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