Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What Writing an Obituary Taught Me.

     Writing my own obituary taught me to value life. We could literally die at any moment in life. I could die right here right now an.....gotcha! But seriously, it's true death is imminent .Writing my own obituary has reminded me that we should live everything to the fullest, otherwise
 it meant nothing.

     It also taught me a lot on death. Death is a very common element in literature. In a story we read in class called, "The Red Convertible", two brothers named Lymon and Henry buy a new red car. They put all they had into it and go on a big road trip. They also learn many lessons, especially when Henry goes to Vietnam for service. He comes back and has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is not himself. His brother, Lymon, tries to help him but has no success. Later on he smashes up the red convertible car. He does this to jog Henry's memory and remind him of the old days. It turns into a big success and Henry fixes the car. The two go on a road trip to the Red River for fun and Henry ends up committing suicide. Lymon then drives the car into the river, jumping out of course, to give it back to him. Two great, loving brothers end up having never before seen problems when Henry comes home from Vietnam. They get better and then Henry dies.
     It was all so sudden and unpredictable, but it happened. We must always be ready for death. No matter what, where, or when. This is because when it comes we all must have a plan and know what to do. We won't always be the only ones dealing with the loss. Others will be in pain to and we should also know how to help them. Whether he/she is a sibling, an aunt/uncle, or good friend. Death is every where and it could come for me or you. So be prepared and value the life you and I have now.

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