Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good Samaritans = Dead Samaritans

     Good Samaritans, what are they? I think that they are people who go out of there way to help others when no one else will and do things the average man normally wouldn't for those people; They pretty much go over the top to help, almost a hero. Good Samaritans are still out there and end up doing some pretty great things. However some of these things often end up putting them in bad places and get hurt and/or even killed.
     "Good Samaritan Struck by Vehicle." The guy was giving gas some gas to a woman on the side of the freeway because she had none and was stuck. As he gives her some, he gets hit by a speeding truck and is now in intensive care. He died later that week. Here is another, "Good Samaritan groom killed hours after wedding." The groom and his new wife were on there way home when he saw a woman in her car on the side of the road in the snow. He stopped to help her and told his wife that he must do so because it is cold and dark. After he pulls her out of the car, they get hit by an oncoming vehicle, then another, and another. Three times they are hit and both of them are dead. That bride went from a newly wed to a widow in just a few hours. The groom was a retired Army Ranger. Las one, "Stranded Motorists Attack Good Samaritan." A woman named Stephanie got out of her car to help some stranded people on the side of the road. Afterwards, she gets attacked by the motorists and finds her Christmas Presents in her car are stolen.

     All of these articles show fine examples of Good Samaritans, except they end up dead. The last one doesn't have the Samaritan dying in the end, but she most certainly could have. In the end, if you choose to help a person you aren't only doing a good deed, but also putting your life on the line. Take the people above as fine examples. The were all Good Samaritans who gave there lives, and became heroes, except the last who almost did.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Homeless in Cleveland and Comparison to "The Street Lawyer"

     So after reading this article, I've noticed some similarities and differences between it an "The Street Lawyer" and some differences as well. First I will compare them then contrast them. Ok, here we go.

     What I noticed to be similar is how dedicated the main guy in each was. Michael gave up everything to help in " The Street Lawyer" and Brian Davis spent all his time with the newspaper using what power he had to get the local homeless issues noticed. Both also achieved their goals in getting noticed by the mainstream media. Both of them even occurred obstacles in their lives. Michael got arrested and had to go to court for stealing the file while Brian had received threats from his boss.

     Some differences that I saw is what actually happened. Michael went through realistic but semi-unrealistic events such as theft, coincidental car accidents, jail-beatings without defending himself and much more. Brian however just worked and worked at his newspaper and had no serious obstacles. There are many other differences but I'm low on time.

     In the end, many similarities and differences but they both were good stories and were for a good cause. Both of them, Michael and Brian, earned GOML rights. Have a nice day!

Monday, December 9, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," FIN

     So, my time with "The Street Lawyer" has come to an end. I no longer need spend my time worrying about it. However some predictions need to be made about Michael. What does the future have in store for Michael? Will he stay with the 14th Street Clinic? Will the clinic change in anyway? What about his relationship status? Will he be successful with ruby? These are what need to be answered and I'll will answer them right about, now!

     What does the future have in store for Michael? I believe that the future for Michael will be good for him. He in fact will stay with the clinic because they love having Michael and Michael loves being there. His work with the clinic and the homeless is not over because there is plenty more to be done and he is just getting started. I agree that the clinic will change in itself as well. The 10% of the 2million dollars that was acquired should also be able to pay for some upgrades to the clinic. As for clinic employees, they should have good morale after there amazing court settlement.

     Now, about Michael's relationship status. They will not only be a good couple in the future(possible marriage and family and stuff) but a good partners in the homeless helping world. Michael is a public service lawyer and Megan(cute name) is a shelter director. They go together like a fat guy and diabetes :) . In case your wondering, Michael will and probably already is successful with Ruby. She's already on the fast track to recovery and shows no sign of relapse. I believe she will be able to see her son Terrence soon.

     Anyway, my conclusion is that Michael has a good future ahead for himself, unless he gets hit by a car or something then it will definitely suck, but otherwise looks bright. As for my opinion of the book, I think it was ok. I give it a 7/10, 7 for not being a book of my personal taste and needing of some improvement but decent otherwise.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," Money, Race, Power Oh My

     Money, race, and power are the three big things discussed in The Street Lawyer. What effect does the Washington D.C. setting have on them? I'll tell you what I think, the are amplified because Washington D.C. has all three of those in its "beautiful" city; I use the term beautiful lightly. D.C. has money because of rich politicians, it has power because it's the nation's capitol, and it has race because of the cultural boundaries through out the city.

     Money is a key thing in the world because it is what makes the world go round, although it not worth anything because in reality we give it it's worth. Washington D.C. has much of this because of all of the rich white collar workers and companies. In The Street Lawyer, Money is all Michael cared about in the beginning and is all most care about in the story. Everyone at Drake & Sweeney is a rich "donkey" and has no care for anything else in the world. Michael eventually renounces this trashy lifestyle.

     Race is big in the world because the world is dumb enough to keep cultural boundaries instead of saying, "He we are all human!" In Washington D.C. race is important because the races are divided by politicians who move them to bad neighborhoods so others look good. In The Street Lawyer, race is big because most homeless are black and the rest are white or other. This brings race into the mix when homeless are hated on by political haters in congress. Sounds like something Mordecai Green would say.

     Power is king! If you don't have power in the world then you aren't going anywhere. In Washington D.C. there is power because they are the capitol of the world most powerful country, AMERICA! However I think China beats us, call me a traitor but that will make you a hater ( hey that rhymed!) In The Street Lawyer, power is held by many because if you aren't homeless or defending them, you have power because it is those with power who hate homeless.

     I know I hate Kanye West, but he said it well when he said, "No one man should have all that power," and Braden Chance has too damn (pardon my language) much. Actually, a lot of buttholes in this story have too much power, especaily Clair and her divorce happy attitude. Seriously she is such a Gold digger. All these Lawyers and planning for a divorce that gets dropped onto Michael, poor guy got blindsided by that one. Anyway, have a nice day!