Monday, January 12, 2015

The Legend of Forest Gump: Fast Feet, Slow Head!

     Forest Gump, is by far one of the greatest films ever. It has affected all of our lives and has gone down in history for doing so. Many people have seen this movie, but have they thought about it? If you haven't, then I will help you because it opens up a whole new way of viewing the film. I will simply ask a few questions to show what I am talking about.

     First, what is the film's theme? Before I go on I would like to say that this movie had many themes. I am going to pick what I got out of it and answer with that. You probably have your own idea but I can't answer all. What I believe the theme is, is that "Even someone with a slow mind can accomplish incredible things". That may sound dumb, but it applies. Forest has an IQ of 75. A lot of characters believed he couldn't do anything for himself because of it. However, they were wrong because "Stupid is as stupid does" and what Forest does is not stupid whatsoever. He won a MEDAL OF HONOR! There are people with twice his IQ who couldn't win that! Forest also met the President of the USA three times, each time a different president(JFK, LBJ, Nixon). Most are lucky to have met him at least once. Forest did things for others as well. He helped Lt. Dan see that he was still a whole man even without legs. He kept his promise to Bubba of becoming a shrimp tycoon, which he wasn't able to do with Bubba because he died in Vietnam. Forest gave Bubba's momma the money Bubba would have made in shrimping which made his family rich. All in all, Forest is a slow and incredible man. He even became a good dad after Jenny raped...I mean slept mutually with Forest and had a kid named Forest Jr.(how original, why not Han Solo?).

He is awesome!

     Next question, why does this film linger with those who watch it? I think it is because of how many different topics the movie covers which allows lessons for a variety of viewers. That is probably the most intricate answer I have ever given. I amaze myself. The movie has ideas for(and I am going out on a limb here)people who are bullied, people on drugs, people with abusive parents, people who are crippled, people who are slow(should have put that first), people who have AIDS(Jenny had AIDS at the end I know it), people with special children, people who keep their promises, people who are veterans, people who are single parents, people whose love eludes them(that was a good one), and that's all I've got to say about that. See what I did there? :)

     Last question, How does Forrest embody the quote "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"? This one is kind of easy. First you look at what the quote means. The quote's meaning is that life is random, you can get what you want or not but whatever it is it's still sweet. Forrest embodies this by being witness to historical moments, attaining great titles of honor and heroism, becoming wealthy beyond his dreams, losing the only role model in his life(MOM), losing the second real friend he ever had(Bubba), and he became a super celebrity a long side his third friend Lt. Dan. He had all these great things and some terrible happen to him in his life even though he is slower in the head than most people. However, the one thing Forrest ever actually wanted in life was not even the things that did happen to him, but to have Jenny. Near the end he finally does get Jenny and she has a son named after Forrest. Jenny dies and Forrest lives on with his son who is UBER COOL! Forrest lead the most random and cool life anyone could have and he just went on like it was as normal as yours or mine. You go dude, and your not even real. SWAG

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