Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," Would DeVon Pull the Trigger?

     So, a homeless guy walks into a law firm with a this isn't the start to a bad joke, it's a scene in a book by John Grisham. Our main guy, Michael Brock, is a tax lawyer and a bit of a jerk. Our homeless man who goes by the codename "Mister," who's real name is DeVon Hardy, holds the firm hostage.

     The question is, would DeVon have actually killed someone? My answer is no, here is why. All DeVon actually wanted was answers and the truth. He asked repeatedly "Who are the evictors?" because someone in Michael's firm was responsible. True, DeVon fired a few shots into the ceiling to scare them up, especially Raftor, a cocky and mouthy lawyer, but never intended to hert anyone. Later DeVon ordered some soup kitchen grade soup from the cops outside to prove to all the lawyers what being homeless was like, he also told stories. Again all DeVon wanted was the truth and to prove a point to the successful "anuses" who have wealth what homeless and poor have to go through and to find those responsible for his eviction.

     Too bad he got shot in the face at the end because I knew he wouldn't have actually killed anybody, and Michael in the end knew this too.

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