Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," Michael and Midlife Crisis, No!

     Many people believe Michael is going through a midlife crisis, I think they are a bunch of "jack wagons." He is simply going the distance to help homeless. He practically risked his life getting the file  about who evicted all the people( DeVon, Ontario and his family etc.). He also did a lot with the soup kitchens and gave up his job practice public law.

     All of this was Michael changing his ways for the better. He isn't going through a midlife crisis, he had a revelation. A revelation that came when DeVon's spinal fluid and blood spewed all over Michael's face and mouth! Okay  that sounded gross, but it happened. Nobody else understands why Michael is doing what he is doing because they don't know what was felt or what went through his head at the time. The only person who will ever get it is Michael. He goes on the street with his life on the line to do good and stick it to the man who is in his cozy office making the big money. Michael is kicking people in their "badonkadonks" left and right, like a boss.

     In the end, people will never understand. It isn't a midlife crisis, it is a change of heart in the right direction. Kind of makes you wonder what a midlife crisis really is, don't you think? Anyway, some of these "poop butts" need to get their facts straight before they jump to conclusions. That's right I'm talking about Clair, stupid gold digger. Reminds me of Paris Hilton.

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