Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," Michael and Midlife Crisis, No!

     Many people believe Michael is going through a midlife crisis, I think they are a bunch of "jack wagons." He is simply going the distance to help homeless. He practically risked his life getting the file  about who evicted all the people( DeVon, Ontario and his family etc.). He also did a lot with the soup kitchens and gave up his job practice public law.

     All of this was Michael changing his ways for the better. He isn't going through a midlife crisis, he had a revelation. A revelation that came when DeVon's spinal fluid and blood spewed all over Michael's face and mouth! Okay  that sounded gross, but it happened. Nobody else understands why Michael is doing what he is doing because they don't know what was felt or what went through his head at the time. The only person who will ever get it is Michael. He goes on the street with his life on the line to do good and stick it to the man who is in his cozy office making the big money. Michael is kicking people in their "badonkadonks" left and right, like a boss.

     In the end, people will never understand. It isn't a midlife crisis, it is a change of heart in the right direction. Kind of makes you wonder what a midlife crisis really is, don't you think? Anyway, some of these "poop butts" need to get their facts straight before they jump to conclusions. That's right I'm talking about Clair, stupid gold digger. Reminds me of Paris Hilton.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"The Street Lawyer," Would DeVon Pull the Trigger?

     So, a homeless guy walks into a law firm with a gun....no this isn't the start to a bad joke, it's a scene in a book by John Grisham. Our main guy, Michael Brock, is a tax lawyer and a bit of a jerk. Our homeless man who goes by the codename "Mister," who's real name is DeVon Hardy, holds the firm hostage.

     The question is, would DeVon have actually killed someone? My answer is no, here is why. All DeVon actually wanted was answers and the truth. He asked repeatedly "Who are the evictors?" because someone in Michael's firm was responsible. True, DeVon fired a few shots into the ceiling to scare them up, especially Raftor, a cocky and mouthy lawyer, but never intended to hert anyone. Later DeVon ordered some soup kitchen grade soup from the cops outside to prove to all the lawyers what being homeless was like, he also told stories. Again all DeVon wanted was the truth and to prove a point to the successful "anuses" who have wealth what homeless and poor have to go through and to find those responsible for his eviction.

     Too bad he got shot in the face at the end because I knew he wouldn't have actually killed anybody, and Michael in the end knew this too.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

4 Topics for blogs (It's my opinion, don't make fun of me).

     So, four topics that I find interesting for blogs eh? Well I have a great imagination and can easily come up with some. However, I am bad at thinking on the spot so I may not be as good.

     Number one, Hipsters! What do you think about them? Are they good or bad? Are they a disgrace to society? Personally I believe they are slaves to the Mainstream Media and are losers at life. I think it would be spectacular to see what they feel about hipsters. Especially since there are hipsters in our very school (plot twist)!

     Number two, Materialization and why we do it. So many people become attached to a single object but not a lot of people take the time to think about why. I am personally addicted to X-Box and can't go without it. However I think of it as a personal passion and past time, like a fine art Others (mainly hipsters, who knew?) are obsessed with their cell phones, smart phones to be specific. Every year there is a new one and they just have to upgrade. They care not of the price or the fact that it isn't much better than the previous, they just buy and buy. Such spoiled idiots (I'm refraining from using "other" words) I think.

     Number three, teen sensations! What was that? Yes! teen sensations, they are only obsessed with fame and don't have any true musical talent. I know they can sing and if they couldn't then they wouldn't really be anywhere in the world, but that doesn't matter! Most of their success comes from physical appearance and sex appeal, so unless you have a passion for what your doing and care then you are just crap. You can still have the sex appeal but you still need to have the passion ( I'm stuck in the 70's man). People who I think are true artists are Freddie Mercury and Def Leppard. Those who aren't are one direction and Justin bieber. They are passionless fame loving trash bags who don't deserve the success they have now. The only reason they made it was because of all the teens who want their bodies. They mostly buy their albums to hear their voices, not because they are good, and they aren't. Did I mention that the majority of people who are fans of them are also hipsters? I'm sensing a pattern here, are you?

     Number four and final, Expensive Clothing. Why must people buy over priced shirts and shoes?! I can pay $50 max for a good pair of shoes and people will pay $300 for shoes just as good. Seriously it happens. Same goes for shirts, I'll pay $10 for a nice graphic shirt and someone will pay $80 for a shirt just because it is a certain brand. I get made fun of for buying clothes from Wal-Mart! Well the joke is on them, I have $70 more than they do and my shirt will probably last longer. Lets not get started on skinny jeans, curse those ignorant leggings! Wait a second, what kind of people buy clothing like this? Hipsters do! It all makes sense, 3/4 of my topics apply to hipsters and 1/4 of y topics is about hipsters! They are a scourge in the world today.

     Well, I hope you liked my blog for my topic ideas. Goodnight Everyone and sweet dreams! :)