Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Holding Out for a Hero, with a bowl of popcorn !

     Movies and the hero archetype, oh how they never go away. There will always be a guy going on a quest to save his lover (imagine a creepy old guy with a scruffy beard and a comb over and a hoarse voice say that word slowly, it's funny). Maybe he's trying to save his home, or to get revenge, or even trying to find knowledge, etc.. We have watched many movies that cover these ideas mainly because it is seen so much and it is a great theme. An incredible movie that fits this archetype (that we watched in class) is Star Wars: A New Hope.

     In star wars, Luke Skywalker is the hero and he's on a journey with his friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, and their guides Han Solo and Chewbacca. The journey was to bring the droids to Alderaan along with Obi-Wan for Princess Leia. However they get captured and brought to the Death Star because the Empire destroyed Alderaan. Turns out the Princess is a prisoner on the space station and Luke, Han, and Chewbacca decide to free her and escape. Later Obi-Wan gets killed(though it was more lie suicide as you learn in Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back) and everybody flees to the moon of Yavin 4 where there is a rebel base. Luke and a bunch of Rebel fighter pilots attack the station and eventually blow it up(with  help from Han and Chewbacca who do a drive-by on Darth Vader with the Millennium Falcon).

     As you can see from my half-assed summery of star wars 4 you can make connections between the archetype of heroes and the movie. Luke is the hero, Leia is the damsel in distress, Darth Vader is your villain, destroying the Death Star is the mission and the droids are the comic relief. There are more connections but I am tired so I will stop here. Have a nice day and prepare the ship for LUDACRIS SPEED! Aw crap that's a parody my bad, gotta love Spaceballs.

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